Iceman 2 starts off with basically Iceman running off for a mission, of course we don't know it's a mission for a while, but we finally get that revealed.. And Iceman's co-pilot for this adventure to find a new mutant whose powers are out of control? Ex-Girlfriend Kitty Pryde. We all knew it was coming from the interviews.. I just never wanted to read it and this issue is exactly why.
First the action stuff.. Iceman and Kitty fly off to save kid, their Blackbird plane fails in mid flight and Iceman has to ice ramp them down. Then they find kid surrounded by an angry mob. At that point, Kitty's powers go wacky and Iceman decides to quickly throw up a wall.. which just angers the mob and pisses off Kitty since she's now the leader of all the X-Men.They argue which boils down to Kitty is mad because Bobby didn't run to her as soon as he came out and talked to her about him being gay. This whole scene is incredibly awkward to read and it keeps up this whole idea since Iceman came out that Iceman's being gay is solely about the women in his life (Jean Grey and now Kitty Pryde) and not about.. Bobby. Oh and after this conversation? Bobby knocks out the kid they're trying to rescue and the X-men make their daring escape.. end of comic. Yeah that's pretty much it. This entire issue was a set up for an extremely awkward/painful "It's all about Kitty" story and Bobby just lets her have it. Even the interactions with the kid, it's all about Kitty being nice, Kitty is the understanding one.
Seriously? Bobby joined the X-Men after Cyclops saved him from an angry mob. It seems extremely odd that he has no sympathy or time for this kid who is in the exact same situation.. and added on that after Bobby knocks the kid out (and says it's all OK because kids get knocked out all the time?), the kid is placed in Bobby's class. It's just so bizarre and weird.
Iceman's personality is on point here and he does some cool things with his powers. The action is interesting to say the least and that's pretty much all there is good about this book. I want this book to be great and it's just.. mediocre.
Art continues to suck and it looks like Marvel has chosen to constantly change up the artists. Oh joy.. so even if Sina Grace gets his crap together and can give us a good compelling story with a great artist, they'll just change the artist on us. Really comics is a collaborative medium, so it's important to have collaboration. There have been a couple times where I've read comics where the writer and artist just have a great rapport and it shows. Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott for instance have a great working relationship and Wonder Woman Year One shined brighter because of it compared to Rucka and Liam Sharp's The Lies. So it'd be nice to have a good steady artist.. and one that can do sexy. This still isn't sexy.
Oh and the cover.. looks like Kevin Wada is staying on covers and they're just bland. Nothing about them says action or fun or READ THIS BOOK. It just boring posses again.
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