This was obviously not my next planned post, but the question came up and so.. I think it deserves a post to answer it. Q: So without further ado, should I be a completist and get all of comic X? A: Depends. No really, it depends. Comics are not like books where you generally have the same creators on every book (James Patterson being an obvious example of that not being the case). Comics can switch creators around easily and it's common in some areas for that to happen. Super hero comics especially by DC and Marvel comics have a tendency to regularly swap out creators. This can be to bring a new fresh idea to the book or it could be because the previous creators are leaving for any number of reasons. So one issue in a comic about the same character or team can look very differently depending on the creative team. One obvious example of this is the New 52 Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang (mostly) vs. the Rebirth Wonder Woman with Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp, Nico...
A blog for librarians and comic fans to talk about comics and their role in libraries. Hopefully a place to get and exchange ideas and insight on how libraries can serve their community of non-fans and fans with a perspective from someone who is a fan and a librarian.