I had originally planned to just list several books I think you should buy here, but upon thinking about it I'm going to revise this idea a bit. I want to instead provide a recommendation for selections and how to evaluate books about comics and then provide a list with ideas of why the books are included. I think this is a time when it's more important to explain the whys than just list a definitive list. And there are several reasons for this. First of all, some of the really good books are just not affordable or practical for a library or they are out of print or may even go out of print by the time you read this. Second of all, it is more important in some ways to talk about the reasons behind a book being in a collection than just telling you what to get. Third, I obviously have not read all the books out there, I don't have the time, and I come at this as a hardcore comic history buff and what fascinated me may not work for your average patron. Fourth, I'm not r...
A blog for librarians and comic fans to talk about comics and their role in libraries. Hopefully a place to get and exchange ideas and insight on how libraries can serve their community of non-fans and fans with a perspective from someone who is a fan and a librarian.